Sunday 4 March 2012

Everyday Biz

Everyday Biz
What a Great first show at the Bisley! Excellent turnout, thankyou to everyone who came, thankyou also to all comments in the comment book. They were all very helpful and constructive. I was interested to find that most people noted that the scale of the work and the Gallery was an interesting play of curation and space. Here are some pictures of work from the show. 

Revealed!! The Gallery is the exact size of a cabinet, and has very similar all round traits.
Future exhibitions will be held at the Bisley Gallery which will be informed on this blog. All questions and comments are welcome about this exhibition, or the gallery itself.


  1. awesome and very creative way for a gallery ;)
    how did you come up with that idea?

    1. Thank you very much, It was a collaborative effort and we are very pleased that the first show went so well!
